The Practice
Hello and welcome to the place where you will find the most thought stimulating, innovative, controversial lifesaving information about health, natural vitality, and longevity.
The place where you will be guided on how to stay healthy and avoid illness if you are in good health and one of the best places to turn to if you are ill.
I will share with you my unique knowledge that will guide you on your path toward great health, longevity, good relationships and happiness.
Contrary to popular belief, you do not need a long list of medical professionals, drugs, healers and supplements, shamans and herbs to regain your health.
The minute you make the decision to entrust your health to nature, your health and life will begin to make a positive change.
When you have a physical ailment, your body is not only crying out for help by exhibiting symptoms of distress and misalignment but also your mind had lost its stability and balance.
What you need is the realization that you have innate ability to heal yourself, and to recuperate from any unfortunate state of health that you are in right now.
I am passionate about helping disaffected people who have completely lost hope and help them to regain and restore their lives. I use holistic methods that are guided, supported, and in compliance with the laws of nature.
I know the answers to get your life back on track and I am excited to share them with you.
– Dr. Ina

Dr. Ina Kuhar’s beliefs
The most noticeable and fastest way to create a positive change in one’s health condition is to consider not only their level of uniqueness but to create an individualized approach to address their nutritional and psychological needs as well.
No single diet, food article, herb, vitamin, supplement or medication will induce the same reaction in everyone. The reactions can be beneficial to supporting life or may even cause death, everyone is different.
No single treatment can be used for, or can help everyone.
There’s no identical ratio, variety, level of activity or other parameters of internal biochemical environment for any one living organism. They are all unique.
The amount, quality, and activity of various things such as enzymes, minerals, vitamins, and hormones can vary widely between different people. Or even in the same person in different periods of their life.
No single person has identical beliefs, views, perceptions or interpretations of the surrounding reality as anybody else.