Today is yesterday’s tomorrow. Let’s Begin.

Do you constantly feel overwhelmed, lost or confused? Are you feeling like a shell of your former self? Are you unsure of your purpose in life and just need a bit of guidance? Do you feel like you are watching the world pass you by? Or are you on the brink of something AMAZING in your life but you just don’t know how to get there?
Somewhere along the journey of life, you have been led astray. You’ve been disappointed, suffered heartache and the light within you has been dimmed. You’ve stopped living a purposeful life and you’ve let your heart and your mind be guided by others. When you stop living your true purpose you’ve mind becomes filled with anxiety, fear, and illness. As we’ve mentioned before the body is solidified mind. We become what we habitually think. Therefore an unhealthy mind will ultimately lead to an unhealthy body and unfulfilled life.
As your life coach, Dr. Kuhar brings a holistic approach of mindfulness, clarity, and direction to her clients. Dr. Kuhar helps shift your perspective to the present and release your mind from the demons holding you in your past. It is only once you make peace with your past and understand how to embrace the present that you will be able to achieve everything you want in life.
Through guided practice, Dr. Kuhar will help you move through your restrictions and give you the tools needed to rediscover your power. This practice will be reflective but goal oriented. Progress begins with only one step.