This page contains the first in a series of white papers written by Dr. Ina Kuhar. They provide a fresh and novel outlook on health and the causes and cures for disease.
As you begin this series it is imperative that you think critically and with an open mind. As you read through this series your eyes will widen to a world of understanding and you will be able to regain the health that you were born to have.
If you are ready to heal, please begin below.

We live in a universe that pursues balance – where nature is guided by her principles and corrects all imbalances through tumultuous events. These events are happening all around us, to us, and within us. They may appear as natural disasters or cataclysms. When imbalance occurs in the body, it is often labelled as a dis-ease or illness. Just like nature, however, your body wants to regain its balance. Follow along as we scratch the surface on the principle of equal exchange and the role it plays when you get sick.
Nature operates according to certain principles. The moments in life are never the same. Everything is perpetually modified or changed into something else. On earth, all changes are made possible through interaction between animated and inanimate forms of matter.
The principle of equal exchange during interactions of matter enables nature to maintain stability, order, and harmony in all life phenomena. Symmetry, growth and development, beauty, good relationships, social order, health, and peace can only be achieved when balance prevails.
The opposite of balance and harmony is destabilization, disorganization, disorder, and disharmony. The universe is in constant pursuit of balance where nature corrects all imbalances through tumultuous events.
As mentioned earlier, in nature, we call such events natural disasters or cataclysms.
In an imbalanced society, such events can be revealed as revolutions or social upheavals.
In personal affairs, these imbalances may be shown as a divorce or a dis-functional relationship.
In business, imbalanced interchanges are evident as the stock market and economies crash.
When such cataclysmic events occur in living organisms (you!), we call the imbalance a dis-order, a dis-ease, or dis-function.
The larger the degree of imbalance within the body, the greater the degree of destabilization will be of our bodily functions. In other words, the more the body is in a state of imbalance, the less ability it has to operate smoothly and easily, therefore increasing the degree of dis-ease and dis-ability.
What defines health? Health is the state of the unimpeded functions of cells that compose the organs, systems, and structures of the human body.
Function in this case means a dynamic action. A dynamic action must be stimulated to go on. For example, the molecules delivered by the inflow of arterial blood to cells plays the role of such stimuli in human organisms. Another such example – in order to remove the byproducts of the body’s cellular activity and support the maintenance of balance, a steady outflow of venous blood and lymph must follow.
In health, inflow brings what is needed and can be used, and outflow removes used or superfluous – the principle of equal exchange in action. In disease, the exchange is unequal.
Health is always manifested as the ease of cell function. Therefore, how the entire body functions depends on a balanced process taking place in the cells.
How do cells become imbalanced? The dis-eased state of the body increases as cells are forced to do more work than they are designed to handle and thereby lose their internal balance.
The loss of internal balance interferes with the cells ability to function.
This impeded function diminishes cells’ processing capacity.
The under-stimulation of cells leads to their sluggish function.
At the same time, overstimulation (also known as stress) overloads the cells’ capacity for proper function and gradually impedes them. If the overstimulation is chronic, the normal function of cells becomes compromised. When a significant number of an organ’s cells fail to work properly, the function of the entire organ can completely collapse.
When the cells of the organs and tissues are excessively overstimulated for a prolonged period, all sorts of physical ailments will follow.
Overstimulation = imbalance
Imbalance = turmoil
Diminished processing capacity and diminished cellular functions are always manifested by the symptoms (subjectively experienced by a person) or lab results (objectively seen by others).
When turmoil comes to a crescendo, catharsis takes place.
Catharsis is the body’s natural process of self-purification to balance cells and to initiate and restore its inner equilibrium. This cathartic process expresses itself as an acute illness with an array of unpleasant symptoms. Taking appropriate action to gently direct the progression of acute illness without interrupting the process with drugs will allow the body to move through internal turmoil quickly.
It will serve you well if you realize that any acute disease is self-limiting and always ends up in healing (restoration of balance).
The epidemic of chronic diseases and conditions is the result of the “treatments” with toxic pharmaceutical (symptoms suppressing) therapies.
We as a society, fear illness, disease, and unable to successfully counteract the epidemic of overweight and obesity only because we do not understand the natural laws and principles on which life is based.
Cells desire balance.
When we are sick, rather than interfering in the healing process, if we discontinue overstimulating the body and allow our cells to go through the self-inflicted catharsis (self-purification), our cells are able to successfully restore their internal balance and heal.
All illnesses, diseases and poor health conditions heal as soon as the restoration of balance is complete and normal cellular function is restored.
To continue Dr. Ina’s educational series, please check back frequently.
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